Shanté de Beer

Usually, when I see something I like, I want it immediately. I struggled to be patient and I couldn't understand why ‘now’ is not always good.

When I started studying the Word, one of the Scriptures that stuck with me was Galatians 5:22, which says, "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.”

I started praying this over my life and asked God to come restore the fruit of the Spirit in me because that is one of the keys to life and to walking in light, truth and righteousness. God worked in my life regarding the fruit of the Spirit, but the one that stands out the most for me was (and still is) patience. In the beginning, I really struggled, but I persevered. I had a lot of help from leaders, mentors, friends and family. After a while, I started falling in love with the process of being patient and waiting on God's timing. I started seeing the fruit of it and I still do. I praise and honor God for His work in my life!

Carmen Bornman

Something unexpected happened in my dance class. I was not feeling well and couldn’t cancel the dance classes. So, before the class, I was not sure how I would make it through. There was a girl who was watching the class and it made one of my students uncomfortable. She generally doesn’t feel comfortable dancing in front of others, and at that moment, I didn’t see how uncomfortable she was. I kindly asked the girl to leave the class for the ‘free worship’ part.

Suddenly, my student started to open up about this massive fear she had for singing and dancing in front of people! She has never been one to show emotions (unless I ask her to express something specific), but at that point, she even started crying. I immediately asked the Holy Spirit to show me how to help her. It was so unexpected, and there was an opportunity to facilitate time with God. Both the girls got a picture of how God saw them as dancers, and they started expressing that idea through dance. The girl then came to me (after their time of worship) and said I can tell the girl to come back into the class. That's how brave she felt after seeing how God sees her!

It was so awesome to see her take a breakthrough! God is so good, even when we don't feel well. He always shows up when we need Him!

John-Dean Knell

This month, I had a few financially challenging situations. I was stressing a lot and it even had an impact on my health. I frequently felt the Holy Spirit remind me that God is my source of provision - not my salary. There were a few times that I even felt the urge in my spirit to make a declaration that I trust God, that He is ‘first’ in my life and that I am dependent on Him. Later in the month, someone blessed me with R1000. I could see my Father's faithfulness and enjoy Him as the Provider in my life! In His presence, there is perfect provision. Let us live out our hope, trust and faith in and with His presence daily! Hallelujah!